Insights & Perspectives



We invite you to join us on May 8th for ACMP Pacific Northwest’s monthly Coffee Chat as we continue our three-part series around ‘Reflections on Change Management in Uncertain Times’.

In April, we discussed what has been disrupted due to COVID-19. In May, we will dive into how we are adapting to these changes. In June, we’ll look ahead to what we will carry forward.

In case you missed April’s Coffee Chat, here is a replay.

This month, we look forward to discussing questions like:

– How are you focusing on the long-term, despite the uncertainty?
– What techniques do you have for effective communication?
– How are you using this time to strengthen your relationships?
– How do you stay connected to work when you’re home?

We encourage you to consider these topics ahead of time as this will be an interactive discussion. Attendees from April’s session really enjoyed the candid conversation.

Register now for both Part 2 & 3 of this series!

May 8, 2020 @ 9–10 AM PDT  | Register Now 
Part 2: How we are adapting

June 12, 2020 @ 9–10 AM PDT  | Register Now
Part 3: What we will carry forward