We hope you will join us for June’s event to learn about how to spot developmental as opposed to lower level learning experiences in the context of an agile consciousness.
RSVP here: From Mindset to Consciousness: Playing the Infinite Game of Human Development
Wednesday, June 19, 2019
6:30PM – 8:00PM
Puppet Labs, 5th Floor
308 SW 2nd Ave
Portland, OR 97204
Details about the event:
Agile is part of an evolution in consciousness–in the nature of our awareness and noticing skills and our knowledge of self and other. When agile emerges in an organization, it does so within a consciousness unlike its own. Yet, our approaches to agility often impede its ability to stick where it emerges.
Agilists have used the frames of mindset and learning. But, we need to use the frames of consciousness and development in order to truly transform. In doing so, we see agile transformations are actually personal transformations. Organizations don’t change, people change and then the organization adapts.
This deep dive session discusses the agile mindset and puts “mindset” in the context of “consciousness.” It speaks to advancing agilists who are trying to understand why adoptions go wrong when they have done everything “right.” You are more likely to receive full value in this session if you have been pursuing agility within organisations for at least three years.
This session provides pointers on how to spot developmental as opposed to lower level learning experiences. It is based on my own practice, on research I did for my master’s thesis, and on my book The Preservation of the Agile Heart: From Mindset to Consciousness.
Learning Outcomes:
- Be able to articulate a working definition of consciousness
- Understand the difference between mindset and consciousness
- Understand how consciousness and human development align
- Understand the difference between learning and development
- Be able to spot learning opportunities that do not facilitate development
- Be able to create opportunities for personal development and self-care in the context of development
Speaker Bio:
Jean Richardson is a consultant and coach with nearly 30 years of experience in software development, with half of that time spent in learning about agile and participating in the agile movement. For the last six years she has coached individuals and teams in agile-aspiring organizations. A former AgilePDX Coordinating Committee member, Jean is actively involved in helping, guiding, and coaching the agile community at the local and national levels toward a collective agile consciousness!
In case you missed our previous posts, Agile PDX is a large organization of Agile practitioners among the greater Portland metropolitan area. Their vision is to see Portland as a world-class leader in software development. Their vision is to see Portland as a world-class leader in software development, defining “world-class” as profitable, sustainable, and joyful. Their mission is to work together to create a vibrant, successful Agile community of practice in Portland, sharing experiences, distilled wisdom, and innovative ideas for Agile done well.
Their regularly held meetings are as follows and more information can be found on their Meetup page:
Downtown Pub Lunch: 12:00PM – 1:00PM on the first Friday of the month.
Westside Cafe Lunch: 12:00PM – 1:00PM on the fourth Friday of the month.
Downtown Evening Events: Third Wednesday of the month at Puppet Labs: Doors open at 6:30PM, main event starts at 7:00PM and usually runs to 8:00PM, out of the building by 8:30PM.
We will announce each TGG sponsored event as they are posted, so please check back for updates! Mark your calendars now for June 19th and we hope to see you there!