On November 11th multiple members of The Gunter Group, LLC (TGG) team were present at the Dougy Center’s Annual Fall Luncheon held at the Sentinel Hotel. TGG served as a proud supporting sponsor of the annual ‘friend’ raiser luncheon where the theme was Portraits of Courage. The luncheon featured a number of speakers who highlighted the amazing work the Dougy Center is currently doing to support grieving children and their families.
Ashleigh Gunter, Partner at The Gunter Group, serves on the Board of Directors for the Dougy Center and was the co-chair for the event with Karen Chong. Ashleigh said “ I was really excited to be able to support the Dougy Center by working on the Fall Luncheon. When I hear the stories that the families share about losing a mom, a dad or a child, I feel like it is the least I could do.” Vivian Dhadli-Robinson, an associate with The Gunter Group who attended said, “It was a wonderful event and inspiring to hear about the folks who have helped to make the Dougy Center a success. Also, it was absolutely tear-jerking to hear the stories of those who have been impacted by the loss of a loved one and how this safe haven has welcomed them in their time of need, allowed them to grieve, feel safe and renew their spirits”.
The Dougy Center is exclusively funded through individual and corporate donations and they do not charge a fee for their services. Since 1982 they have helped over 30,000 children, teens and families and have set up workshops to replicate their model in over 250 locations around the world.
When asked why she got involved with the Dougy Center Ashleigh said, “I lost a close friend when I was in high school. Shortly after I left home to go to college. I felt very isolated and overwhelmed by my grief. I know that if a Dougy Center had existed at that time for me, it would have made an incredible difference. I want to work to ensure that fewer children and young people have to experience loss without the support the Dougy Center can offer.”
The Gunter Group has been active in charitable endeavors since the company was founded in 2008 and is continually looking for ways to support causes that are important to the team. So far in 2014 the company has supported The Dougy Center, Checking For Charity, The Wounded Warrior Project, & Everyday Warrior and the Portland Children’s Museum. When asked why participation in charitable organizations is important to the firm, founder Mike Gunter had the following to say, “Our company is built on relationships, and this is such a great way to get involved and connect with people in our community. As individuals, we all have causes that are valuable to us, so it also provides a unique opportunity for team unity and collaboration. We’re gaining exposure to different charities that are meaningful to people on our team, and getting to know each other better in the process. So by helping others we are benefiting personally and professionally – it’s a win-win for everyone.”
For more information about the Dougy Center, or to volunteer or donate visit Dougy.org