At The Gunter Group, the leadership traits and characteristics that define us are our Non-Negotiables: Collaborative, Integrity, Intellectual Curiosity, Thrives in Ambiguity, Emotional Intelligence, and Grounded Confidence. These traits and characteristics guide us every day in our interactions with clients, each other, and our community.

Our Non-Negotiables are the foundation upon which we built our business. They provide the framework for how we hold ourselves accountable in our work and relationships. These six Non-Negotiables represent the leadership traits and characteristics we seek out and expect from each member of our team.

At TGG, we believe in the value of diverse experiences and often hire consultants from non-traditional backgrounds. Despite our different experiences, we find commonality through our Non-Negotiables. Growing our firm with people who have the ability and commitment to being adaptable, constantly learning, and acting with a strong moral compass, is more valuable to us than hiring people based on their years of consulting experience. We surround ourselves with people who lead with intention, not only within our team, but with our clients.   

Our Non-Negotiables define how we show up with our clients. We build relationships by working together to understand and solve problems. By listening, asking questions and immersing ourselves in our surroundings, we can adjust our approach to fit our clients’ working environments. But our Non-Negotiables are always there to guide us. We are persistent and go above and beyond to understand our clients’ businesses to find the right solutions. We always act in the best interest of our clients and are unafraid to ask the tough questions.

Over the next few months, we are introducing a blog series where our consultants will be sharing their perspectives on each of our six Non-Negotiables; how these traits and characteristics are translated within our company and applied to client engagements. We look forward to sharing more about our firm culture with our clients and our community.